Mountpoints OMB image are changing


Vu+ Newbie
Solo2: Flash image is OBH 4.2, image in OMB is VTI 14.x, OMB is on quick usb-stick. Solo2 has 1 internal hdd, 3 external hdd's via USB, 2USB-Sticks, one of them with OMB.
Mountpoints USB-devices in VTI should be:

sda1 - /media/hdd
sdb1 - /omb (dont know whether this is right or not, I did nothing by myself for mounting sdb)
sdd1 - /media/stick
sde1 - /media/hdd1
sdf1 - /media/hdd2
sdc1 - /media/hdd3

Like above I have mounted the devices in flash-image OBH, the stick with OMB on it (sdb1) is mounted as /media/usb of course. Here a screenshot:

screenshot mount7.jpg

In VTI I have very often problems, one or sometimes 2 of the USB-devices are not mounted correctly, for example one of the external hdd's, let me take sdf1 :

screenshot mount4.jpg

Mountpoint: use)
It is impossible then to use the device, for example to watch a movie from it. Restart of Solo 2 changes the devices which are "mounted" as use) sometimes. Devices sda1 and sdb1 are mounted correctly always.

I'm using OMB with different OBH-images now for ~ two years on the solo2, these problems came always back. But I remember a time, maybe 1 year ago, then it worked without problems for months, but I don't know why, can't remember what I did different that time...

In flash-image, OBH, everything is always mounted correctly. And if I don't use OMB, for example if I only have VTI in flash, everything will be mounted as it should be too, always.

Is there maybe someone out there who can help me or has an idea how to solve the problem? :-)
Thanks in advance.
I've had the same problem with almost the same configuration: after a long period without problems at using the HDD from every images and having OBH in flash and BH in omb (this running from HDD), recently, I had a big issue: not only BH in multiboot suddenly was not able to use, as always, the HDD for recordings; but, also, trying to remount it correctly, before it refused to do that (apparently it did but, after the GUI reboot, it was like before) and then it corrupted the whole content of my HDD.
Yesterday, after having removed BH, I installed it again in omb, the 307, and again the same problem.
Now, I don't want to insist because I'm no longer interested in BH, as I'm completely satisfied with OBH.
I supposed that my issue was cause by the fact that OMB resides in the same HDD where the images are. But now I read that you have OMB installed in a USB stick.
So, it's probably a new incompatibility between OMB and some images like BH and VTi based on the vuplus code.
When VTI installed in external flash OMB, IT Behaves like being in Internal Flash.. so no other images will on OMB
I can report that now, the BH308, has solved this issue: I managed (as it had been in every versions before the 307 and 306) to mount the HDD without any troubles, although I have OMB configured in the HDD itself.
You have VTI 14 in OMB? And several HDD's connected via USB? And no problems with mointpoints of these Harddrives in VTI? That was my issue... :-)
1) I was referring to my post #2, to tell that now the issue is no longer present in BH308.
2) This is the BH forum. For the issues concerning VTi you must ask their forum. Anyway, BH and VTi are both based on vuplus code: so, in some cases, they behave the same way. In some cases, but not always, of course.
I opened this thread with a question, well described in the first posting.
You should open your own thread for your problems, otherwise it will be confusing for me and other users. Cheers...and a happy new year :-)
Maybe, but:
1) You opened a thread in the BH section saying you have OBH in flash;
2) your question regards VTi that has no support in this forum...