Recordings "tape" over each other on Ultimo 4k BH 3.0.5


Vu+ Newbie
Hello! I feel this belong to the newbie thread as i'm sure its a setting somewhere that i cant find.

So, some of my recordings of tv programs seems to record over the last episode. For example i wanted to record all the "jul i blodfjell" advent calendar series on Norway television each day from December 1st to December 24th, so S1E1 vas recorded correctly, but S1E2 deleted S1E1 and recorded "over" S1E2. This happens on other recordings as well, BUT not on all i THINK, so a bug maybe? I'm not sure when this happened, but i'm sure it was not present in BH 3.0.3.

Can anyone help?
Search for this issue over the web: it has already been discussed here by many posts.
It seems this issue was not solved even by the last BH. I can't verify it at the moment but I'll let you know that OBH has never had this issue. If it's an important need for you (as it is for me) I surely advice you to install OBH.
No, because I don't own the index of all the topics discussed in this forum (not to mention other websites). Use a bit of imagination, like "overwritten recordings BH", or something like that.