Unable to flash BH image


Vu+ Newbie
On my box Vu+ultiomo 4K SE with BH 3.0.5 try to flash new image BH 3.0.9
but besides different attempts failed.
Try also with two different USB sticks but box after restart always butting on last channel showing before BH 3.0.5 installed.
Please help me how to solve this problem.
Are you following the correct procedure, have you extracted the vuplus file into the usb stick and when you manually switch the box off and re-power it from the back switch are you following the displays instructions on the front display like press power button or channel down to start the flashing process.
Two different USB sticks might be too few. Are you experienced at flashing? How did you format them? By which O.S.? They must be partitioned in MBR and formatted as Fat32.
But we need many more infos to be able to help you properly.
Sorry guys,
By mistake I wrote my box is Vu+Ultimate 4K SE but box is Vu+Uno 4k SE.
Downloaded BH Vu Uno3.0.9 C image following procedure but after restarted box USB remain unread , box show BH 3.0.5 as installed and proceed butting normally to the last channel.
You wrote you downloaded BH VuUno: I hope you meant Uno4KSE, otherwise it won't never work. If the image you downloaded is the correct one for your box, please answer to the answers we are asking in posts 2 and 3, please.
Installed correct one but now nothing work.
Reinstalled ***** but all satellite channels remain closed it note 'no data on transponder'
Try with Personal settings backup from BH 3.0.5 but no success.
Please help me what I can do to solve this situation
Installed correct one but now nothing work.
Reinstalled ***** but all satellite channels remain closed it note 'no data on transponder'
Try with Personal settings backup from BH 3.0.5 but no success.
Please help me what I can do to solve this situation

*** WARNING ***

To solve your issues, we need for instance that you know our board rules, although it seems you haven´t read them on the moment you joined our community.

Please read it carefully, before proceed --> https://www.vuplus-community.net/rules.html

On §4 ... You can read that is not allowed to talk about any kind of illegal stuff.

best regards