DVB-S2X tuner

Hello,just a question,i have vu ultimo 4k, is my receiver DVB-S2X compatiitive??like the two new models
VU+ Uno 4K SE
Good question, are DVB-S2X ?? the serigraphy so indicates, but in theory those tuners would start selling from this summer (August - Anga).

The tuner that has the last 4K (18-5-2017+/-) indicates 2016.10.18 00-1105503-00 VuPlus-FBC_DVB-S2(X)_V1.0
The tuner of a VU + Uno4K SE (12-12-2017) is the same 2016.10.18 00-1105503-00 VuPlus-FBC_DVB-S2(X)_V1.0
Buena pregunta, son DVB-S2X?? la serigrafia asi lo indica, pero en teoria esos tuner se empezarian a vender desde este verano (agosto - Anga).

El tuner que tiene el ultimo4K (18-5-2017+/-) indica 2016.10.18 00-1105503-00 VuPlus-FBC_DVB-S2(X)_V1.0
El tuner de un VU+Uno4K SE (12-12-2017) es el mismo 2016.10.18 00-1105503-00 VuPlus-FBC_DVB-S2(X)_V1.0

The only difference, who reviewed the capacitors, use red marker and not blue like mine (seriously).
La unica diferencia, quien reviso los condensadores, uso rotulador rojo y no azul como los mios (en serio).
Before I bought my Uno 4K SE I ask satco-europe in Nov If the new Uno 4k SE will have a DVB-S2x tuner and I revived this answerer

”at the moment no Vu+ product supports DVB-S2x Ultimo4K, Uno 4K and Uno 4K SE will support DVB-S2x when DVB-S2X tuners are available. Up to now there is no release date for the DVB-S2X tuners”

That means you need to change tuner but it will no fit for Solo 4K, Hope it will be a software solution for the DVB-S2x
The announced in summer, Feria Anga the new tuner.
At the moment they are not available.
Los anunciaron en verano, Feria Anga los nuevos tuner.
De momento no estan disponibles.
Good evening
I received today my new VU + UNO 4K SE but a pity they do not have the standar dvb-s2x
here is a link for the new tuner fbc-dvb-s2x for the vu + ultimo 4k and vu + uno 4k

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That link was put by Gold_66 and as indicated. it is not clear that it is the new one, the photo is of the old one of 2016.
It can be the extension to have a second tuner.
Ese enlace lo puso Gold_66 y como indico. no esta claro que sea el nuevo, la foto es del viejo de 2016.
Puede ser la ampliacion para tener un segundo tuner.

Io ho visto questo, nel titolo dice DVB-S2X ma quando leggi il resto si parla solo di DVB-S2.
Non si vede chiaro ma mi pare anche nelle foto sia scritto DVB-S2.
Quindi non so se é vero o no.

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Thats the same tuner as

and it's not the new one, note the date 16.10.18
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Only zero 4k has inbound s2x tuner, no other box till now. And no plug and play s2x tuner up to now
This one looks compatible, anybody has tested ?

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I am waiting for some tests to be carried out in the store comparing the operation of the VU + Zero 4K (DVB-S2x) and a VU + Ultimo 4K with the tuner that you indicate (new DVB-S2X).

A partner has a VU+Uno4K and put the new tuner, it works perfectly.
With the new tuner the channels are perfectly tuned (it has photos) of .....

Estoy esperando unas pruebas que realizaran en la tienda comparando el funcionamiento del VU+Zero 4K (DVB-S2x) y un VU+Ultimo 4K con el tuner que indicas (nuevo DVB-S2X).

Un compañero tiene un VU+Uno4K y le puso el nuevo tuner, funciona perfectamente.
Con el nuevo tuner se sintonizan perfectamente los canales (tiene fotos) de.....

Eutelsat 33E @ 33.1ºEast
12597 V 10058 25/36 DVB-S2X/8PSK MPEG-4
TMC HD Suisse
TFX HD Suisse
TF-1 Suisse HD

PD: En español para mi.:D
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I am waiting for the tests of a store, comparing the VU-zero4K with the new tuner in another receiver, but the technician is on vacation.a4540.gif

The theme with the new tuners FCB is the chip that has the tuner.
The chip 45308 (DVB-S2X) allows to tune these channels.
The chip 45208 (DVB-S2X) does not allow tuning these channels.

The plate is identical/even the serigraphy/date of manufacture, but it changes the chip that it has.
FCB tuner, old model, with chip 45208 (DVB-S2) ......... Vuplus DVB-S NIM(45208 FBC) (DVB-S2) nones.:sad:
Tuner FCB, new model, with chip 45308 (DVB-S2X) ... Vuplus DVB-S NIM(45308 FBC) (DVB-S2X) ok.:yahoo:
Estoy esperando las pruebas de una tienda, comparando el VU-zero4K con el nuevo tuner en otro deco, pero el tecnico esta de vacaciones.a4540.gif

El tema con los nuevos sintonizadores/tuner FCB es el chip que tiene el tuner.
El chip 45308 (DVB-S2X) permite sintonizar estos canales.
El chip 45208 (DVB-S2X) no permite sintonizar estos canales.

La placa es identica/incluso la serigrafia/fecha de fabricacion, pero cambia el chip que tiene.
Tuner FCB, modelo viejo, con chip 45208 (DVB-S2).........Vuplus DVB-S NIM(45208 FBC) (DVB-S2) nones.:sad:
Tuner FCB, modelo nuevo, con chip 45308 (DVB-S2X)...Vuplus DVB-S NIM(45308 FBC) (DVB-S2X) ok.:yahoo:
En español para mi.

Thank you Tururu for this informations, this is very useful for me.
I'm interrested to buy a vu+ ultimo, but i want some tuners dvb-s2x to receive :

5.0°W 5Eutelsat 5 West A 11509.00 H KB8 Super DVB-S2
PLS: Gold+50416 8PSK
Stream 1 edit.gifetc....

It's the same system as you tested.

I don't know if i need to wait for new models ultimo 4k or not... today 5 september 2018 still no tuner DVB-S2X on ultimo 4k models.

You're confused, PLS is not multistream.
Currently (today) decos with tuner FBC (DVB-S2X) support multistream, but do not support PLS.
It's a VU+ theme, whenever you want.
Currently only the VU + Zero 4K supports what you want.
PLS and multistream.

In mid-August a friend bought a VU+Ultimo4K and had the tuner DVB-S2X installed from the factory, the tests that I put in the forum.
Estas confundido, PLS no es multistream.
Actualmente (hoy) los decos con tuner FBC (DVB-S2X) soportan multistream, pero no soportan PLS.
Es un tema de VU+, cuando quieran.
Actualmente solo el VU+Zero 4K soporta lo que quieres.
PLS y multistream.

A mediados de agosto un amigo compro un VU+Ultimo4K y tenia el tuner DVB-S2X instalado de fabrica, las pruebas que puse en el foro.
En español para mi.

Can you test are new tunner FBC (DVB-S2X) support 16APSK.

On 30W have 16APSK frequency:
30W 10850 V DVB-S2/16APSK 30000 2/3

If this tunner not support also 16APSK, multistream pls also not, only S2X muxx on 33E is useless tunner for now.

Hello guys!

No news about PLS for VU+ Uno 4K SE?

I try also to put the satellites.xml file with PLS ans stream id, but didn't found the Mediaset channels at scan..
Last year (2017) I bought the admiral ship from Vu Plus, namely Ultimo4k for a lot of money, of course. We have overlooked the fact that we do not have a blindscan, for example, because we can use it both on the cable and on the satellite (we still have about 100 euros on the cable tuner) with 2 x CI+ and 2 x card slot.

This autumn i gave a little bit more than 100 euros for dvb-s2x tuner, specially taken for the multistream reception from 4 west, which proved to be a big failure. He does not have a multistream thing. I dont know if the tuner itself can't manage multistream or it's a software problem, I'm sure I started to be very disappointed with those at Vu Plus, and I'm thinking about giving up this producer and heading for Dreambox. I do not understand how it is possible for Vu + Zero 4k to know the multistream and this handset where we invested nearly 1,000 euros (with both cable tuner and hdd) to be mediocre on the tuner's hardware ?!

Shame on Vu +

Do not buy the FBC45308 tuner, no multistream goes with it, I have seen just 3 channels on the 33 East. I dont know if it's a hardware problem or it's a software problem, I do not know, but I know I CANT OPEN MULTISTREAM CHANNELS FROM 4 WEST WITH HiM.