Announcements Vu+ XBMC PrismCube is coming

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Thanks for this information.
Will BlackHole make images for the PrismCube?

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will the new vu+ duo2 have xbmc
this box will be good competition for vu+ duo2, I wonder which will come out first

Vu+ PrismCube i think will be first box with XBMC on sat world.
This new box will be have alot of fans.
I very like skins on this box totaly new and nice.
Great News indeed .
But PrismCube will first start to rock, only when respective BH image will be available for XBMC plattform .
I hope Shiro can enlight us whether BH team attend to release such image :)
Man, next months will become economical desaster here , fisrt Duo2 and then Prismube ....:fie:
Great News indeed .
But PrismCube will first start to rock, only when respective BH image will be available for XBMC plattform .
I hope Shiro can enlight us whether BH team attend to release such image :)
Man, next months will become economical desaster here , fisrt Duo2 and then Prismube ....:fie:

Dear friends, you have to understand that prismCUbe will be something new and revolutionary.
Vu+ company started to work to this project more than 2 years ago.
At that time there was not the availability of opengl2 on mipsel platforms and XBMC was impossible to port to mipsel architeture.
For this reason Vu+ have choosen the Arm platform that can ensure good performance in 3d graphics with medium cpu frequency.
Thi was a good choice for this project because it can ensure the production of a set-top-box capable to manage 3d graphics mantaining a reasonable price using cpu that doesn't require high power, but can work with low power consumption and have not overheating issues.

At that time there was not yet any kind of porting of Xbmc for Arm platforms.
So Vu+ with their engineers have started to work to Xbmc porting.
But XBMC cannot make a set-top-box. After the porting the work have been focused in added dvb and pvr parts.
In other words the main work is that XBMC have been married with all the satellite and dvb managment parts needed to have a final stb product. All that parts that in mipsel boxes are managed by enigma2.
But there is not enigma2 inside PrismCube. Vu+ developed all this work in original way.

The result is a new stb where satellite dvb and pvr parts are married with XBMC that is the high level end user interface for all the system.
We can think to all this like a kind of XBMC extended system that integrate inside itself the stb managment too.

Because we are no more in enigma1 and no more in enigma2 but in a totally new low level and user interface stb integrated parts you have to be a little bit patient.
But please remeber that this is all new and we will need time to study and start to make test and experiments before to have something for it.

We can promise from now that this board, this community and all Bh team will support in all the way the PrismCube box and will study it and will learn with you this wonderful new way.
At that time there was not yet any kind of porting of Xbmc for Arm platforms.
So Vu+ with their engineers have started to work to Xbmc porting.
But XBMC cannot make a set-top-box. After the porting the work have been focused in added dvb and pvr parts.
In other words the main work is that XBMC have been married with all the satellite and dvb managment parts needed to have a final stb product. All that parts that in mipsel boxes are managed by enigma2.
But there is not enigma2 inside PrismCube. Vu+ developed all this work in original way.
The result will be a sort of closed-source XBMC? Or will it remains open?
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