
  1. T

    no mapped SSD

    Hi I have BH 3.10.x and I ca not mapped the insert SSD on uno 4K SE It is very interesting for me, because: - can record to SSD - but if go device manager I see the follows: mount: /media/net/VUUNO, (no netdrive installed) if I go to mount, I see Not mapped If I wanna mapped and choose...
  2. L

    Mount Vu+ HDD to another VU+ device

    Hi! I try to mount my second Vu+ device that is setup in another home. I get the following error when I do the mount: mount error(13): Permission denied Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) and kernel log messages (dmesg) I use the following line in fstab file...