
  1. herc

    positioner settings / memory index / manual store

    I'm still running the obh 4.2 and i want to go forward to obh 4.3. However, does anybody know if i can to keep (file or data) of all the stored satellites position from confiquration mode Advenced (obh 4.2), and tranfer it to the new update (obh 4.3)? There are more from 45 satellites position...
  2. kodosh23

    Diseqc motor positioner problem (uno4kse, BH3.0.8)

    Hey, I recently purchased a diseqc motor, to make things easy, yet I am unable to set it right. I have set up Tuner A as Simple/Positioner with longitudes and latitudes where I live in Bavaria. I think I have applied (perhaps wrongly) 19,2 E coordinates for the "go to 0" position... so i have ok...