3.02 problem

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Vu+ Newbie
ive noticed when i choose the restart option on bh 3.0.2 on my vu+ uno it will not connect to any cam and also the download feeds do not connect. its only when i re flashed my box it worked again, then restarted the box again and did exactly the same thing. any ideas?
ive noticed when i choose the restart option on bh 3.0.2 on my vu+ uno it will not connect to any cam and also the download feeds do not connect. its only when i re flashed my box it worked again, then restarted the box again and did exactly the same thing. any ideas?

Cam ... what kind?

best regards
***** 2.3.0, and have done 2 complete re flashes and exactly the same thing has happend, when i say full re flash i have put the usb in and pressed the - key

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