3D movie on VU+ Duo2 or Solo2

Paco D.

Vu+ Newbie
When opening certain 3D movies, in formats : *.mkv , media player does not define them as 3D, and then opens them as 2D film, and it was displayed stretched in the middle of the screen with a black region all around. Happens with movies in which encoding settings has the option --frame-packing=4. When these same files played on smart TV or on the receiver VU+ Ultimo they reproduced correctly.
When opening certain 3D movies, in formats : *.mkv , media player does not define them as 3D, and then opens them as 2D film, and it was displayed stretched in the middle of the screen with a black region all around. Happens with movies in which encoding settings has the option --frame-packing=4. When these same files played on smart TV or on the receiver VU+ Ultimo they reproduced correctly.

This information is in french, take a look this posts and the next ones in same section. ---> http://www.vuplus-community.net/boa...solo2-avec-blackhole-2-1-5.22054/#post-167514

I think it will answer your question!

best regards
I'm talking about a completely different problem, the 3D movies encoded with option "--frame-packing=4", not recognized by the player as 3D. Possibly related to drivers.
Which Black Hole image are you running on Solo2, Duo2 and Ultimo?

BTW try another mediaplayer, the drivers should not be involved in that problem (they are also different between Solo2 and Duo2).