4.8e nothing

john adams

Vu+ Newbie
i have resetup my motor dish and receive 98% on 5w due to me being in northern ireland
i get most sats but am getting nothing from 4.8e i tried updating my satellite.xml that didn't help and lost a lot of sats so reflashed my box with 1.7.8 no hbbtv and receive the sats again but still no 4.8e i used to get it and a good signal so anyone suggest anything?

VU+ Duo orig
97cm techmate dish
tm2300 motor
inverto black ultra single
Are you outside the foot print for 4.8e in N. Ireland? Maybe need a larger dish 1.5m. I am near the Welsh boarder and get between 52% and 84% on a 1.2m prime focus dish and a .2 twin LNB. Weather conditions also cause poor signals, so if very cloudy maybe lower signal to no signal. Good luck.