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Vu+ Newbie
I just flash new Black Hole image 3.1
Instal ipk for new o.s.c.a.m, all was ok.
But under blue panel I cant find this o.s.c.a.m.
Any help?
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4) Discussions regarding, pedophilia, pornography, piracy (keys, emulators, card sharing,
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Is open software (enigma2) I just ask for help with install ipk - noting else. I know there is lots of tutorials how to, and I will be not asking on this forum about. But I just find problem with this.
What I just need is clarification how to enable emulator on this image. What I do it wrong? So i can't see this emulator under blue panel. (I not asking about any piracy, card sharing ect.)
You can't discuss emulators, on this forum, which you must have guessed as the title of your thread was censored, and you got round this by putting full stops between the letters.
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