A & B tuner on Solo2


Vu+ Newbie
Sorry if this has been asked loads of times already but I can't seem to find the answer to make it work
I've got 2 dishes, one on regular Astra 28 and the other on Hotbird 13, I've plugged Astra into tuner A and Hotbird into B. I've then set them both up as simple, single and then scanned them. Astra's working perfectly however, despite Hotbird finding loads of channels, none of then work.
Any help greatly appreciated.....
Here` is min

Tuner A Settings Static Dish “ Single Satellite “

Configuration mode - Simple
Mode - Single
Satellite - 28.2 east
Send Diseqc - No

Tuner B Settings Motorized Dish “ Multi Satellite “
Configuration mode - Simple
Mode - Positioner
Latitude – “ Your Co-ordinates “
Longitude - “ Your Co-ordinates “



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make sure your satellites.xml includes hotbird... Beware of using ******* for sat editing. it has a habit of making no channels work and the whole system needs installing from scratch as VU is full of bugs and often manual upload of satellites.xml doesn´t help.

I have motor in A and 12 LNB´s in B set up as advanced. Works well if never try to update anything.