A Big Thank You


Vu+ Newbie
hello all,
as i said before, everyday is a learning curve and today i have learnt qiute a lot about epg. stuff that i knew not much about. but thanks to :thanks:@Matrix10 and @Eragon, reading about their combined explainations of the epg plugin in the BH image and the crossepg plugin, i have managed, :dance:for the first time, to see epg content on all channels. this i could not do before but except for today's self taught lesson with help from among others, the above two individuals.

A VERY BIG THANK YOU FOR THE LESSON. Please keep up the good work.
hello all,
as i said before, everyday is a learning curve and today i have learnt qiute a lot about epg. stuff that i knew not much about. but thanks to :thanks:@Matrix10 and @Eragon, reading about their combined explainations of the epg plugin in the BH image and the crossepg plugin, i have managed, :dance:for the first time, to see epg content on all channels. this i could not do before but except for today's self taught lesson with help from among others, the above two individuals.

A VERY BIG THANK YOU FOR THE LESSON. Please keep up the good work.

Thank you,

best regards