Add stream url ??


Vu+ Newbie
Hi everybody,

Hi own a VU+Ultimo and planned ti buy in July the new Duo2 that i have seen at Anga.
I still have a question that i can't resolve, i wondered if someone of you has already encountered the
same issue.
I would like to communicate with my various axis camera directly from my ultimo using the defauklt plugin insi BH2.03.

When i select 'add a strem url" in menu of BH , it ask me with which protocol i want to use, the i select
RTSP instead of Http, because i know that some ip-camera needs a specific addon to display picture, that the reason why i select RTSP using default port 554.
When i finally entered all details BH need to display picuture nothing appears.
In Axis camera setup, rtsp is by default activated, inside router port 554 is also open in tcp-udp and aiming at local ip of that camera.

When i try to connect using the same system from VLC plugin it works ! but only for a couple a second, moreless 20sec afterward it stops automatically, why ? i still don't know.

On the other hand when i try to connect to the camera from IE9 there is no problem.
i really would like in final to use that great possibilities of vu+ but i am blocked with these little setep problem, is there anyone that can help, in french or in english, feel free.

Thank you ll in advance