Any reason not to buy Duo2


Vu+ Newbie
I have an Ultimo now (only using two tuners, doesn't seem like I need more than two...) Any reasons not to replace my Ultimo with a Duo 2?


duo2 is much better and will have longer life because it have on of the most new and advanced broadcom chipset available for stb.
Also i replaced ultimo with duo2, now i fly respect to ultimo.
It is much much faster.
And color display is fantistic.
If you have some Euro to spend it is the right box.
Two simple questions for lucky Duo2 owners:

1) Does the Duo2 transcode of external USB tuners ?
2) Does transcode of recorded movies present in the internal hdd ?

Transcode is the only reason why I bought a Solo2, but it seems that this neverending beta-stage feature, has been abandoned....
The only reason is that it can not stream mms.I can understand that by time they made vu+duo, streaming via enigma2 boxes was not popular .But by the time they manufacture VU+duo was streaming function popular.If you are living in somewhere where it is not possible to receive signals from certain satellite, you can watch your favorite channel via streaming function.i contacted Vuplus company , they told me it is hardware issue , and the function can not be add in future.VU+DUO should be future box.i think they would think about such function , which is avialable on cheaper and much worser than vu+duo.Me and my friends who want to upgrade vuduo are disapointed.