Atmos Passthrough?


Vu+ Newbie
Hi, I am very impressed with my 4kDuo I am watching a film in UHD 2160, HDR and Dolby digital, If I select the audio menu and select Dolby Atmos I just get PCM sound.

I have the Audio set to Passthrough and if I play the same film on my Egreat 11A UHD player I get Dolby Atmos no problem, it seems a shame to have such an awesome Sat receiver which can play UHD but not Atmos sound?

Am I doing something wrong?
the problem is that people use a lot of soundbars .. so how comes the Blackhole configuration ... people do not change it .. but you are right ... to be able to listen to dolby you have to activate the Passthrough and with it Passthrough activated we cannot control the audio with the VU + control ..... I have been trying for a while to see how I solve the problem but nothing ... it is rather something that the Blackhole should solve .. it is a software problem