Audio from toslink only setting


Vu+ Newbie
Hello, if I want to use audio from toslink instead of the audio in the hdmi, what do I need to change in the settings on a VU+ Solo 2? Also, is there any special settings to get dolby digital from the receiver?

I have tried passthrough and downmix for AC3, they both give sound on toslink, but when there is a dolby digital audio I need to change to downmix, but then I only get stereo
There is not enough bandwith to get dolby digital over toslink
forget it

I find that very hard to belive since I have this setup on a Nvidia shield and there I get dolby digital sound through a toslink output. Can you tell me why this shouldnt work on the Vu+ solo 2 receiver?
Yes its directly connected through S/PDIF connection to my surround system, and when there is a dolby digital program on SVT for example it should also output dolby digital, right?
Yes if you have the Audio for the channel set to DD (AC3)
I think that the standard audio is set to HE-AAC so check that for SVT 1 HD
I have these settings but its not detected as Dolby Digital in my surround system...

Update, I now have Dolby Digital with that settings, none of the programs I tried earlier could have been using Dolby Digital apparently.
And also have in mind that not all broadcast like news and other then Movies usally dont send the audio in surrand ;)

Jag tror inte många sändningar från SVT går i äkta surrand ljud utan bara stereo.
Detta gäller i prinsip alla kanaler utom Film/sport samt kanske något natur program
Då får du Dolby men i stereo bara