Audio only, No Video / TV since power cut?

Jacky Phillips

Vu+ Newbie
Hello to ALL, seems a great forum :)

Please be gentle with us as we're complete newbies at all this, desperately trying to read up and learn as much as we can, so much new stuff to learn...

Anyway, as the title says, since experiencing a power cut at the weekend we now only have sound, no picture on every channel, we have tried restarting, but that hasn't worked :(

Unfortunately as we have nothing on our TV we cannot access any menus, setup etc to change anything, we tried using the remote feature on openwebif but that was not working properly either :(

Our Son even tried talking us through reflashing a new image over the phone as he is 150 miles away, we extracted the zip directly to the USB after formatting the USB stick with HP USB formatting tool, FAT32, switched the box (Solo2) off at the back, inserted the USB in the front and switched the box back on but all that happened was it started back up with no picture and only audio again, our Son said we should have been prompted to press the on/off button on the front to initiate the reflashing...

We have spent hours messing around and don't seem to have got anywhere :( please someone, anyone take pity on us techno incapable pensioners and help us out :)

I don't know if it makes any difference, but I think the box has apollo vix on it...

Many thanks and best wishes to ALL :)

Hello Eragaon :) Hello newgolfer :)

After looking at the flashing tutorial in the link and the youtube videos provided it seems that we are following the correct procedure to reflash... So the only thing that is suggested is to try another USB memory stick? Can anyone tell me if there is a list of approved or supported USB memory sticks for the VU+ products, specifically the Solo2?

Eragon - "If you want to use OpenViX then better ask on their own forum." - can you please let us know where I can find the OpenVix forum please?

We did not realise that this is a Black Hole only forum, we wrongly assumed that is was a VU Plus forum by the website / forum name etc...

So can someone please tell us if and why perhaps we would be better to install the Blackhole image rather than the Vix image we have been using? What does the Blackhole image have / do that the Vix image will not? Or what does it do better if it doesn't do anything different?

Many thanks for all your help :)

Best wishes to ALL,

can you please let us know where I can find the OpenVix forum please?

The choice of the image to use is a matter of personal taste.

OpenViX is a good image (like others too), the Black Hole image has a great international support.. and is exclusively dedicated to Vu+ boxes...;)
Hello again Eragon :)

Thanks for coming back to me with the link to the OpenVix forum, much appreciated :)

So as this forum is dedicated to VU+ boxes can you please point me to anywhere on the forum that may list approved or supported USB memory sticks for the VU+ products, specifically the Solo2?

Once we have got the correct USB memory stick and can flash a new image we may well as give the Blackhole image a try :)

Many thanks,

To keep a list of all the possible compatible USB pendrives would be a hard task.

There is a general rule: use the smallest size you can find, the smaller the better, and the older the better.
So a 2GB, 4GB or 8GB pendrive formatted in FAT32 should be fine.