Request audio PIP SOLO2


Vu+ Newbie
please there a plugin for audio PIP for SOLO2 and a plugin to change the channel of the pip window without changing the main chain

thank you very much
you can swap services between pip and main screen (yellow if I remember correctly) then select channel you want and press yellow again to swap them back.
I know that's not an answer what you're looking for but it may help in some way.
ATM you can't switch audio between main screen and pip - plugin from the feed is not compatible
I also see there is an option for HBTV in this window, but when I try to use it, I get the msg "no HBTV app installed" ....
Any idea how to get that working ?

First you must tune to a channel who expose HBBTV services :)
@ Astra 19.2E satellite there are many german channels who have HBBTV services :)