Audio Sync on Black Hole 174 Vu Duo


Vu+ Newbie
Hello again,

I have a small problem with audio syncronisation.

My TV is connected to the VU Duo by HDMI Cable
My audio speakers are connected by the cinch plugs of the VU Player.

When I listen carefully I can hear that the audio of both systems is not synchronised.
The speakers (plugged with Cinch) are a bit earlier than those of the TV audio (plugged by HDMI).

The AC 3/dolby downgrade function is active.

I tried with the internal audio sync program in BH and i also installed the enigma 2 audio sync (.ipk file). I Include the app..
Both programs don't do anything; or I must be doing something wrong.

Has anybody got experience with this problem.




Hello again,

I have a small problem with audio syncronisation.

My TV is connected to the VU Duo by HDMI Cable
My audio speakers are connected by the cinch plugs of the VU Player.

When I listen carefully I can hear that the audio of both systems is not synchronised.
The speakers (plugged with Cinch) are a bit earlier than those of the TV audio (plugged by HDMI).

The AC 3/dolby downgrade function is active.

I tried with the internal audio sync program in BH and i also installed the enigma 2 audio sync (.ipk file). I Include the app..
Both programs don't do anything; or I must be doing something wrong.

Has anybody got experience with this problem.



Hi Bert,

I like to understand a little pit more about the issue!
-U have TV speakers and other separate speakers running in the same time!
-Or U have home theater or a receiver?

However the sound when using HDMI is faster then other cables> speed of sound through the wire and connections!