Automatic clean up of finished timers


Vu+ Newbie
I would like to have the finished timers automatically removed from the timer list. There isn't any setting in the menu, at least I haven't found any. I am aware of the manual way in OpenWeb, there is a button "Cleanup timers" in the timers menu, but I would like to have this process automated.

A cron job came to my mind initially, but there is no predefined command and I am not aware of the script to delete the old timers.

Thank you in advance for your help.

* BlackHole
* vu+ solo2
This is not a BH standard feature as for OBH, for instance. You need the showed plugin. Actually, I think it's a waste of RAM as you can choose, within the customization menu, to put the completed timers on top of the list and then you can remove them all just by pressing BLUE once entered the timer list.


  • AutomaticTimerListCleanUp.jpg
    320.3 KB · Views: 26
Thank you, this solved it. Having an addon is the perfect solution. It's not consuming resources for people that don't need the functionality. And for people like me who wants to automate nasty tasks, it' there.