Autotimer help needed please


Vu+ Newbie
Hi all
I'm really needing some help with my auto timer. I have vu+ solo 2 box with black hole 2.1.3.
I'm trying to set the bh plugin autotimer and tweaking settings so that I can set a series record. The problem I'm having is it is setting the recordings to record the same programme on all the different Bbc channels ie all the different regional bbcs. I set it to 'require description to be unique' so it shouldn't really be trying to record the same programme on the different channels. Anybody have any ideas - it's probably something really simple that I'm missing. Thanks in advance of any help :)
There's a setting on Autotimer requiring the exact same service ie just one of the bbc's. There you can set it to just the single channel that you want.
There's a setting on Autotimer requiring the exact same service ie just one of the bbc's. There you can set it to just the single channel that you want.
Thankyou for your reply. I could not find anything where I could tell it to only record 1 channel only. But I did find a different way of setting the timer that stipulated just the 1 channel. Rather than set it to record from the bh autotimer I set the autotimer directly from the bh epg. This made it bbc1 only! Yay!!! There's always a way if you keep trying :)