Autotimer is not working


Vu+ Newbie
I am using BlackHole-3.0.5-vuultimo4k and autotimer is unfortunately not working.

In the OpenWebIf I am getting this error when I go to the autotimer section:

html> <head><title>500 - Request did not return a string</title></head> <body> <h1>Request did not return a string</h1> <p>Request: <pre>&lt;GET /autotimer HTTP/1.1&gt;</pre><br />Resource: <pre>&lt;Plugins.Extensions.OpenWebif.controllers.AT.ATController instance at 0x9accc210&gt;</pre><br />Value: <pre>None</pre></p> </body> </html>

If I try to add autotimer nothing happens. it adds autotimer with "New Name" for description and match title instead of values I entered, and when I refresh "New name" autotimer disappears.

Trying to add autotimer through GUI does not work either, it simply isn't added.

Can this be resolved, perhaps by installing an older version of Autotimer?
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