Vu+ Newbie
Hi ,the function in the menu( Background Scanning) is not working.??????? I have a problem with my channels
and this modified. the installed via dogsettings, after a few seconds I repeat channels....
example: 20 channel NBC HD(not modified)--------(NBC HD- modified)
both channels are repeated,which is supposed with the(Background Scanning)disabled.
should only install modified (NBC HD) not both.
It is a failure of the image or am I ????????????
and this modified. the installed via dogsettings, after a few seconds I repeat channels....
example: 20 channel NBC HD(not modified)--------(NBC HD- modified)
both channels are repeated,which is supposed with the(Background Scanning)disabled.
should only install modified (NBC HD) not both.
It is a failure of the image or am I ????????????