Backup problem help


Vu+ Newbie
I have this poblem:

I have mistakenly deleted the backup plugin, the total and the user preferences, both. Now I can not back up. Is there any way to recover those plugins? I need to do a full backup and another only of the configurations. Thank you.
Try to go to Black Hole Apps/Black Hole Speed up/
and try to enable FullBackup (if disabled) or disable and re-enable if appears to be enabled.
As far as I know, it should re-download the component but I'm not 100% sure.
Good! And, by the way, my advice is also to use the plugin AutomaticFullBackup which schedules a backup with the options you like and stores them wherever you like, so to be able to come back a certain date.
I suppose that AutomaticFullBackup takes for granted the presence of FullBackup and just offers a set of automatic options.