BH 3.1.0 update's


Vu+ Newbie
Is my BH 3.1.0 wrongly configured or since 2 months there is no available updates?
Any time I go to: setup - Software management - Software-update
Is starting download but return with 0 packages.

A few things:
- recording by epg is not working properly. The entire program is not recorded, but only part of the program. When recording from EPG - timer.
- Timeshift only works when you press pause. Although it is set to automatically on.
- Sometimes it happens that the picture on the TV "hangs". And only a reset helps. It happens very rarely.
So a few minor bugs would be found. Normally, other images have a lot of updates within a month, so it surprised me that BH hasn't had anything for 2 months.
I have been using BH since the 3.1.0 release so this is a very new image for me, hence my surprise.

My box: VU+ 4k SE with 1TB HDD (internal) ~90% free space.
Timeshift, the real timeshift, has NEVER been part of the image by default: you need to install it from the BH server (Permanent Timeshift v1.0.0. Final).
So, the behaviour you report is normal.
Only installing the plugin you'll have the REW/FF features.
And, by the way, I installed BH in OMB after a long time and there was a major update: only, it doesn't change the name version, in the classical BH style. So, it still appears 3.1.0 even after the update.
Yes this is correct, there ara 2 updates with no change of versions.
I updating by pressing Green button=> yellow button and then Online BH image update
So I suggest to try this way
Timeshift, the real timeshift, has NEVER been part of the image by default: you need to install it from the BH server (Permanent Timeshift v1.0.0. Final).
So, the behaviour you report is normal.
Only installing the plugin you'll have the REW/FF features.

I use Permanent Timeshift.
What is OMB?

Yes this is correct, there ara 2 updates with no change of versions.
I updating by pressing Green button=> yellow button and then Online BH image update
So I suggest to try this way

Is exactly same as setup - Software management - Software-update.

It was strange for me that there is nothing new for ~2 months, so I asked if the problem was in my configuration or if there had actually been no update for 2 months - only that.
Nothing new for 2 mounths just tell us that the BH Coders are doing an amazing work before release of image so thanks to the whole Team :notworthy:
Keep us in the Blackhole and continue all your fine work