BH as DLNA audio/video renderer


Vu+ Newbie
Is it possible use actual Black Hole on Duo2 as DLNA audio/video renderer? How to enable this feature? Thanks for answer in advance.
Thanks. But it is DLNA server. My question was regarding DLNA renderer. I want stream video from smartphone to Duo2 with BH. Is it possible?
Ok. But in my setup are DLNA client and player running on smartphone, DLNA server is running on NAS server. On Duo2 I need only DLNA renderer. The same function is common for all Smart TV sets but using Duo2 for this purpose would be better solution.
Ok. But in my setup are DLNA client and player running on smartphone, DLNA server is running on NAS server. On Duo2 I need only DLNA renderer. The same function is common for all Smart TV sets but using Duo2 for this purpose would be better solution.

I don't know if DLNA renderer is avaiable.
I will answer myself. I realized that there is Coherence DLNA Renderer in section BH Speed Up. I enabled it. It works like a charm. Audio, video, photo from smartphone are reproduced OK (control point is smartphone). No additional configuration is needed. I can recommend it. On Android smartphone was used app BubbleUPnP.
I will answer myself. I realized that there is Coherence DLNA Renderer in section BH Speed Up. I enabled it. It works like a charm. Audio, video, photo from smartphone are reproduced OK (control point is smartphone). No additional configuration is needed. I can recommend it. On Android smartphone was used app BubbleUPnP.

Thanks for your report. I appreciate it :)
Hello, I'm EXACTLY in the same trouble and I'm not able to solve. I checked in Blackhole Speedup and I don't find Coherence DLNA Renderer, and I don't know why. Maybe I must download it? If so, how can I download/install it?
My box is Duo2, BH 2.1.5 image. Please help. Thank you.
Same as you, I forget the Coherence UPnP renderer.... It's so easy to use it for look at a film on a tv connected on a Vu+ FROM a pc or an Android server ...
I cherche also a UPnP renderer for My Vu+ Solo2 !!!!!
It's very strange that such so important plugin was discontinued wothout a proper replacement..... probably it is under a new form. Anyone could suggest please? Thank you.
I also would like to have back UPnP renderer on my Solo2, it was very easy to watch channels with nPlayer on iOS.
I really hope that BH developers will add such plugin in next image..... it would make very easy to use Vu+ boxes as media player with all iOS devices.
Hello BH developpers
Can you say us if you add a dlna video RENDERER ( like Coherence UPNP renderer ) in next BH realease ?
Hello BH developpers
Can you say us if you add a dlna video RENDERER ( like Coherence UPNP renderer ) in next BH realease ?
The plugin you mention has been removed due to some compatibility problems so will be readded if/when the problems are solved.

Meanwhile Blackhole team fix the issue with Coherence UPNP renderer plugin, Anyone knows any other plugin or feature to be able to stream video through DLNA between mobile to VU+ Blackhole?

i'm keen to get update on this too

I tried to manually install Coherence... no luck
and the existing plugin doesnù't allow me to stream my iphone video's to the vu+

I even tried openairplay from plugin menu: whilst it shows up on the iphone it does not play the videos on the screen!!