BH Duo v.2.0.8 - Stream ports?


Vu+ Newbie
Hi Everyone

Just upgraded from version 1,78 to 2.08
And I cant find the plugin settings for streaming ports?
Also all the other nice listed transcoding plugins that should be part of the image, cant find any gui?
(Or maybee this is just for Duo 2?)

Anyway I am using the Blackbox App to see TV drom my VU+ Duo but I only get the EPG guide?
So I want to check the streaming settings on the new BH 2.08, so how do I do that?

Your help is much appriciated.
Best regards & a happy Christmas to you all.
Update I have now tested with BLACKBOX app on my ipad and with the new BH 2.08 I cant stream any video?
Also on the webpage, I can get the channel listing and description, but when I open the m3u list I get a black stream.
Is there any service or plugin I need to enable to get this working?
I have to Vu Duo Boxes and I have just for test installed the new Openpli image and that works?
This is very strange, same passwords and ports, what am I missing?

Best regards
OK, I discovered that the password was not set , so did this by Telnet.
Strange things is that when I enable Http Auth. it dosent prompt me for a password, I thing this is interferring with streamining to the iPad?
So what to do, to get password prompt on the OpenWebif page?
3 Update... No matter what I do with Http Auth setup, the webpage will not prompt me for a password?
And Yes I have changed the Password?