BH EPG help please


Vu+ Newbie
I'm having problems with the BH 1.6.5 built in EPG. I have set some providers to download to my USB stick. I can see the USB stick contains the file epg.dat.bak and it was downloaded at the time set. My problem is, no EPG data shows on the channel lists. What could be causing this?
I've put these providers in:


The epg.dat.bak file is about 4.4MB
I think I've solved the problem by disabling the Automatic EPG Backup in the Main Menu and deleting the epg.dat.bak file on the USB stick. Now I can download all the providers and the correct epg.dat file shows on the USB stick. Everything is good again.
I'm having problems with the BH 1.6.5 built in EPG. I have set some providers to download to my USB stick. I can see the USB stick contains the file epg.dat.bak and it was downloaded at the time set. My problem is, no EPG data shows on the channel lists. What could be causing this?
The epg.dat.bak is a backup epg file.
You should find the epg.dat file too.

Into BH EPG panel, verify the path you setted for peg saving, it should be /media/usb
Thanks Mito, it looks like when I have EPG Backup enabled, the epg.dat file doesn't update. Now I have disabled the EPG Backup everything works again.