BH not support HDD's larger than 2TB


Vu+ User
sorry but I don't know why you didn't solve the problem of detection of HDD over 2Tb, while it works with images of VTI, and does not work with BH !!!!!

in VTI: Support for HDD's Larger Than 2 TB (THX @ SolarTom) (experimental)

it's hard to solve this problem, apparently I would have to change from BH (very beautiful image) to VTI to run my HDD 3Tera
I do not believe that we will provide support for HDD over 2 TB
due to the effects on the kernel (size) and image stability.
If I understand the limitations of such changes.
Please try to find a solution, please, for me Vu duo+ = BH image

You know, I fell in love with the image of BH
my 3TB HDD works very well in the image of VTI.
but BH is better than VTI
BH team and coder will support all what they can without negative consequences on image coding,speed image... In this do not doubt !
Maybe in next image release the option to use large HDD will be enabled.

This could happen if the BlackHole coder will think that there will not be too much issues for image stability and speed.
just a curiosity, but i think that using partitions sized less then 2tb works: is that right?
if so, why not create 2 partitions on it and mount hdd and hdd2 instead add tweaks for the filesystem?
hello, I look forward to the next release of blakhole, I hope they will support my external HDD 3TB;
a big thank you for the great team