BH official Ukrainian Translation


Please put here translation file, bug files or suggestion.
Actual translator is bodyan.
Last edited:
Hi. Here is the first version of the Ukrianian translation for Black Hole images. This translation include 3853 translated strings. Hope to see this translation in next version.

Regards, bodyan


Hi. Here is the first version of the Ukrianian translation for Black Hole images. This translation include 3853 translated strings. Hope to see this translation in next version.

Regards, bodyan
As it is your first version before giving this to coder, please confirm that you follow all instructions you can find here and here
It is important because if you make a mistake compiling of img fails.
Give me confirmation please.
Replaced all STB and DREAMBOX expressions in translation. Tested many times with poeditor and BH image v.2.0.7

