BH stream your Videos and Recordings


Vu+ Newbie
Hello all,

The idea is to stream as I do with channels with OpenWebif. I cannot find the option to do it with videos/recordings.

There is any way to stream your videos and recordings on BH2.1.6?
i don't know if i get what you want but if you wanna watch your recording videos, you can do it through network, no need OpenWebIf for that

so you go to windows start button and type : \\vu+_adress_ip (the adres ip of your vu+) and then you'll access to your hdd's recordings and you will be able to watch them.
Thank you guys for your answers.

My idea is watch it from my mobile over Internet, as I do with OpenWebif with channels with the VU+ app.

Thank you
My idea is watch it from my mobile over Internet
This is why I asked you from where...
In this case you can't use the direct network access to the box's HDD.

First you would need an Internet line with enough fast upload speed, as you couldn't use transcoding...
I already have 10Mb of upload files, it's enough to stream HD content.

Btw, why I cannot use transcoding? I'm already using transcoding for Channel Stream with openWebif