Black Hole 2.1.3 Universal Meoboot‏


Vu+ Newbie
Hi. I recived this in a mail and I don´t get it, is it a Blackhole Image or a sofware for the box as dos are for windows? Coz it says blackhole when my vu+ solo2 starting and after that my openpli starts up, so I am unsure if this are an blackhole Image or a base software for the box to handle the Image I use?

Here are the all mail.

Black Hole 2.1.3 Universal Meoboot‏
Black Hole 2.1.3 Universal Meoboot

MeoBoot updated and now compatible with all major images
New Army skin DarkSky
New fade effect in osd
OpenWebIf updated and added Italian translation
Httpstream updated:
- added chunked transfer support.
- connect to TS stream in seperate thread.
- add basic http authentication support.
- add redirect and playlist support.
Elistbox: add setFont function (workaround for Full Hd skins)
media-tree rebuilded module list

And what Meoboot stands for?
Hi. I recived this in a mail and I don´t get it, is it a Blackhole Image or a sofware for the box as dos are for windows? Coz it says blackhole when my vu+ solo2 starting and after that my openpli starts up, so I am unsure if this are an blackhole Image or a base software for the box to handle the Image I use?

Here are the all mail.

Black Hole 2.1.3 Universal Meoboot‏
Black Hole 2.1.3 Universal Meoboot

MeoBoot updated and now compatible with all major images
New Army skin DarkSky
New fade effect in osd
OpenWebIf updated and added Italian translation
Httpstream updated:
- added chunked transfer support.
- connect to TS stream in seperate thread.
- add basic http authentication support.
- add redirect and playlist support.
Elistbox: add setFont function (workaround for Full Hd skins)
media-tree rebuilded module list

And what Meoboot stands for?

Yes That is a new BH image...And Meoboot is a plug-in that you can use for other images using the USB as external flash.
hello friends
i have black hole image 2.1.3
but i have a problem
i cant do mebbot and i cant install openpli on the black hole
my base image is blackhole and i want install openpli or vti on the black hole with meboot
but when i install meboot and put the image in Mbootupload on the DCC
when i want install second image
it does not install
plaese help me to install second image
please put full guide or full help for mebboot plugin