black hole 2.1.6


Vu+ Newbie
My vu plus solo2 will not update to black hole 2.1.6 via usb . Downloaded the image here,exstracted to usb , but when i place the usb stick in front on my tuner and turn it on it only boots normally into black hole
If you are sure to have correctly followed the flashing procedure, then try using another pendrive, this trick generally solves the problem.
same problem here... trying to update from 2.1.5 to 2.1.7
i used the same stick (SanDisk Cruzer Blade 32GB) to Update to 2.1.5 - this worked fine

i removed the old vuplus folder in the stick and extracted the 2.1.7 zip provided here for the solo2

all steps during update seem to work just fine (front usb) - but in the end, it just boots into 2.1.5, which you can tell immediately by still using the bright blue bootlogo... and is confirmed when entering the menu/information/about settings... still says 2.1.5

i don't know where to go from here :/

i tried another (older stick) - same thing....