Black Hole 3.0.3.H Vu+ Zero

Any help?

Thank you.
They are called picons. You can download by the addons panel.
They can be stored in flash but this not advisable, or in a USB stick (in a path called /media/usb/picon) or in the HDD (in /media/hdd/picon). If you put them in the HDD you'll make it work almost continuously.
So it's up to you to decide. But to manage them appropriately, be prepared to use a FTP client like filezilla.
Hi, i have isue with playing some video files with ac3 codec - sound not playing after some time. Any ideas?
First let me thank you for all the hard work. Can you please create a checksum file for this image?
I have problems since day one with blackhole 3.0.3H and playing videos with AC3 audio. The audio works for some seconds, then go off, then jumps in again after some seconds, and then off again. Ramdomly. It happens on many avi files and I think they are all with ac3 audio.

I'm not the only one having this issue, look here:

I see last version is 3.0.4C on 29-oct-2017 and I see I have to do a full install, because this version doesn't support an online update so I need some time before I can test it.

If somebody know this problem and know if the bug is solved on updated versions, it will be a great help to know.

(now I see I have posted on zero forum for 3.0.3H. I have a solo2 and I'm trying to move this post to 3.0.3H for solo2, but the 'More options' button when editing the post shows a 'this page isnt loading' error on chrome, so I cant move it).
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