Black hole EPG Problem


Vu+ User
Hi all,
I have a little prob with my epg back hopefully some can help me!
Iam on BH 1.7.5 at the mo,
My HD is mapped at media/hdd and only other paths it allows me is /media/ USB or / media/ card or media/mmc1 or media/meoboot or media/music or media/photo or media/video or media/personal or /universe or media/cf so that's all my options,
My Reytec epg is path to save is / hdd/epg.dat ( it won't give me the option to save to media/hdd only media/net/ or media/card or media/USB or media/cf or media/USB
but it downloads fine,
My blackhole epg back up gives me the path media/hdd or media/USB, so it says Epg Backup: not found.

So any help would be great thanks in advance!