black hole in future it can be added to epg?


Vu+ User
add rerouting the backup and epg epg panel.:notworthy:
Route: media / usb / crossepg / ext.epg.dat



I really did not understand 100% your question

If you want to have the EPG on for example HDD
instead of USB, then simply change a path
But you can not change the path that is unknown in the system of EPG
It is also not possible in CrossEPG
And there you can only choose path which is known within the plugin
It may be possible by changing the coding and configuration
but I do not see the sense of it.

But you can experiment with changing the path in
settings file /etc/enigma2
But if it works ?? I have not tested
el traductor de google y yo nunca nos hemos llevado bien,jejeje
gracias matrix10 por tu respuesta ;)
there is no way to change the path to the black hole epg settings.
todo.alguna deleted on reboot suggestion that I have to modify file to work and do not delete the routes?
