black hole with roon and bacch software routing question


Vu+ Newbie
hi all,

I installad black hole, roon and bacch software (some kind of DSP software) on a mac mini m2 for streaming music. I use the apple mac mini as a music streamer. It's connected with an usb cable to my amplifier (with usb module). Now with blackhole I routed from roon to bacch DSP and then back to blackhole -> USB. But the signal is being routed through the apple OS Mixer. I would like to bypass this.

In the Bacch DSP software I can select input and output. Now this is the zone in Roon (so input is the zone, and output is the same zone). But i would like to change this, and bypass the OS mixer. and create this route:

ROON (Z0NE) -> bacch DSP -> USB module.

Now the route is: ROON (ZONE) -> bacch DSP -> ROON (ZONE) -> OS Mixer -> USB??

I would like to route from the DSP directly to the USB device.

My knowledge of how black hole works is very limited and I really appreciate some help to configure this routing :)
You are in the wrong place, this board is for Enigma2 Satellite Receivers, and has nothing to do with Audio equipment.