Black Hole Xbmc beta 02

prima di tutto, vorrei installare buon anno questa beta Black Hole XBMC 02.
1) Devo formattare hdd,
2) Posso usare il beta02 direttamenti, devo premere i beta01 instalare
come posso fare
Navi-X works great, only while searching for subtitles he says: Error in script:
Thanks for the good work
this version 2.1.4 beta do not work with extern hdd becausw is impossible mouting a hdd. on device maneger says not maped after mounted and restar de box.
why that the xbmc do not work.
someone help me.
Hi, I have installed this image but the transcoding does not work for me. Can you please help, if there are needed some additional drivers ? Or can you please advise some imgage to stream HD channels over internet ? I have only 8 Mb upload. Thanks
the file seems great im downloading that image and try to my solose
hope I ll respond you soon with better opinion