Blackhole 1.7.9 crossepg usb mount problem


Vu+ Newbie
blue button> blue button> format wizard

I've formatted the usb pen to EXT1 and rebooted the box

blue button> blue button> device manager to to mount the path for the usb then reboot

menu> system> crossepg

now if set the path to usb etc and so on. And now put the tick beside 28.2 and the Download.

Once it is downloaded i go back in to. menu> system> crossepg and i notice the the path asn't save to the usb instead to the internal flash memory?????

then i take the usb pen out of the solo and stick into the laptop and i can see the crossepg files have being wrote the the usb pen.​
there is no option to format as ext1 - you can use ext2;
reboot required after formatting your usb stick;
menu > setup > cross epg > configure > storage device ->select your usb stick as APPEARED in device manager;
all other options are set to yes; scheduled download -> disabled (that means you have to download it manually - epg will last for a week, sometimes longer - depends from providers);
then go to 'update xepgdb providers'
then configure your providers using 'xepgdb providers'
select appropriate providers (with older boxes cannot be more than 8 because your unit will slow down during downloading time and it can cause its malfunction) - use rytec uk xmltv for your configuration - astra 28.2;
press yellow to download;
press exit, exit
press green and scroll down to find cross epg force reload - then press ok
and it will work

the questions are:
what do you have already mounted in your box?
hdd? how many usb sticks?
what is the SIZE of your cross epg files?
you're not giving enough details to help you out mate - I can only guess what you have in your box;

BTW, sometimes it's better to mount your usb stick using UID instead of automount, and your box will remember its mounting point nearly forever