BlackHole 3.1.0 strange freezes


Vu+ Newbie
For a while I have had to use my Vu + Zero without any display connected via HDMI, so I was watching the channels through OpenWebif. I recently connect it again to a screen, but the system was working a bit bad (it had installed open black hole), so I have reinstalled black hole 3.1.0.
The problem is that with any channel, the image freezes approximately every 10 seconds for 2-3 seconds, with all channels it happens exactly the same. I've tried a lot of things, and I've only gotten it to work in one way. When removing the HDMI cable, restarting the vu +, putting it to stand by from open webif and watching a channel from the PC, the problem does not happen. If after this I reconnect the HDMI, it still works. I have tried to restart it with the HDMI on but without turning on the TV, opening a channel from the computer, and also restarting without HDMI and plugging it in before opening a channel on the PC, and the problem of freezing reappeared. The only way it works is to do exactly what I said before. I do not understand that it may be failing, it is a very very strange error, and it seems strange to me that it works well only after opening a channel from the PC.
Does anyone know what this could be due to and how to fix it?
To confirm what alexwilmac says about my old vuDuo I have installed OBH and I have not had any more problems