Blackhole epg


Vu+ Newbie
This might be a stupid question but is the blackhole epg that comes with the image the same as cross epg.
If not any info would be great ...
This might be a stupid question but is the blackhole epg that comes with the image the same as cross epg.
If not any info would be great ...

BlackHole Integrated EPG is a different thing respect CrossEPG.
Press Blue Button -> Red Button to see BH EPG panels.
Hi, is there any chance to remove CrossEPG from BH ? I mean from main Setup menu. I don't need CrossEPG.
I know that i don't save the space, but i don't want to have some plugins in the setup which i don't need.
So i how can i remove it ? If i remove enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-crossepg than will be removed from menu ?