Blackhole guide?


Vu+ Newbie

Newbie here - I've just posted my intro and true to my work I've started my first topic asking the basics!! Hopefully I won't get burned at the stick for the dummy questions!!

A bit of background - I've got an s10 which worked impeccably but now that I've flew the cuckoo's nest I thought it was time that I got myself a bad boy (vu+ duo)..anyway, decided to put BH on it and so far so good...I'm totally new to this scene so please bare with me...

Now the questions:

Is there a dummys/noddy's guide?
I've done a service scan and it's picked up all the channels, is this now the best time to put e2 on the box and then the *****? is there much that I am missing?

Again apologies for the questions but I've been searching and can't find much info (it could just be that I'm useless at).

Thanks for your time.


Newbie here - I've just posted my intro and true to my work I've started my first topic asking the basics!! Hopefully I won't get burned at the stick for the dummy questions!!

A bit of background - I've got an s10 which worked impeccably but now that I've flew the cuckoo's nest I thought it was time that I got myself a bad boy (vu+ duo)..anyway, decided to put BH on it and so far so good...I'm totally new to this scene so please bare with me...

Now the questions:

Is there a dummys/noddy's guide?
I've done a service scan and it's picked up all the channels, is this now the best time to put e2 on the box and then the *****? is there much that I am missing?

Again apologies for the questions but I've been searching and can't find much info (it could just be that I'm useless at).

Thanks for your time.


Please read the Forum Rules No Q? about Emu's...

Any thing else U'r welcome!
On this forum are not allowed questions related to the cams/emulators.
Please read forum rules.

All other questions are welcome
I have to apologise for that.

I'll rephrase - is there a dummy's guide to setting up blackhole on my vu+? I would probably just be looking for a general guide with things that need coniguring.

Thanks again.