Blackhole & not OpenBlackhole


Vu+ Newbie
I am aware of the technical differences between the Blackhole and OpenBlackhole images and having personally tested both my preferred image is OpenBlackhole.

I would like to know what the key reasons were for those who also tried both images but instead preferred Blackhole.

Unless I am mistaken I was unable to spot anything major between the two.

Grateful for some feedback.

OBH and BH is compiled from 2 difrent tree.
Bh based on orginal image made by VU+
OBh based on OE-A who have difrent look for some function.

I think this is best way have 2 difrent image ........
I am aware of the technical differences between the Blackhole and OpenBlackhole images and having personally tested both my preferred image is OpenBlackhole.

I would like to know what the key reasons were for those who also tried both images but instead preferred Blackhole.

Unless I am mistaken I was unable to spot anything major between the two.

Grateful for some feedback.

Everyone has different needs, so for some BH suits there needs better and for others OBH suits them better.
What would you say would be the most popular feature in Blackhole which is not present in OpenBlackhole?
Haven't tried OBH yet, but will definitely give it a go soon. I think the biggest advantage of BH over OBH is the frequent updates. Therefore bugs are being taken care of faster, and some popular features like quad-pip are being introduced. Also, I *think* BH offers a wider choice of skins, but I'm not sure of that - all I know is Matrix10 is doing a superb job regarding the skins of both images.
I don't know if it's the most popular but surely is probably the only important missing in OBH: I'm talking about FCC.
I switched to OBH since 0.6 because it's much more comfy under many aspects.
I also miss the displaying of FF or REW speed that someone would think is irrelevant but it's comfortable.
I also miss the fact it does not show any channel number when you browse them "outside" from any bouquets, and even if, obviously, they are included at least in one bouquet. BH, instead, shows nothing only if it's not included anywhere, otherwise it shows its number. This way, if you want to add some new channel, you immediately know if it's already in a bouquet or not.
As you see, apart from FCC, these are minor features, only needed to make more comfortable the user's experience, in my opinion.
Haven't tried OBH yet, but will definitely give it a go soon. I think the biggest advantage of BH over OBH is the frequent updates. Therefore bugs are being taken care of faster, and some popular features like quad-pip are being introduced. Also, I *think* BH offers a wider choice of skins, but I'm not sure of that - all I know is Matrix10 is doing a superb job regarding the skins of both images.

Not so.
OBH has more updates.
Some updates are faster on BH and some on OBH.
Depending on changes and coders.
For skins there are more for BH because coding for OBH is one more time bigger,
while more time and effort.Of course this is not always possible. That is why the most important skins coming.
Secondly, I use BH image more, because I like simplicity and performance.
Both images have the advantages and disadvantages.
Depending on the needs and users.
I use BH 3.0.4 on flash and OBH 4.1 on USB.
OBH is very light and fast. I never saw the spinner wheel "box busy" that I see often with BH using the same set of plugins.
OBH also imports epg almost 3x faster than BH (using epg-importer plugin in both) and doesn't lose epg after restart. It can also record from iptv channels (a great feature I wish I can see in BH).
I like the way OBH jumps from a bouquet to all channels list. It jumps to the same channel (BH lose the channel and jumps to the first channel in the all channels list.
OBH also works fine with the audio of some channels undetectable in BH. And sure the customisation options are nice (although seems too much at sometimes).

On the other hand, I feel more familiar with BH (we spent years together :)). Matrix skins are more for BH. Also it handles my IPTV movies/series library as it should (run/stop 3,6,9 buttons control). OBH sees them as normal iptv stream that you can't control.

There are some other minor things about epg and OSD that I prefer in BH.

As you see, both images have +ve and -ve sides. So enjoy both with open multiboot as I do :)
Menu structure on OBH much more user frendly. But I'm using BH 3.0.5 now, mainly because of FCC :yahoo:and the Quad-PIP is also :dance:.
This combines perfectly with my UNO 4K and its 8 cable tuners :notworthy:.