Board Updated


XenForo have been updated to 1.1.1 version.
A new nice skin named "Social" is available for people who don't like the dark style. To change board skin you have to click on the left bottom corner of the home page

Black Hole Team

La board XenForo è stata aggiornata alla versione 1.1.1
E' anche disponibile una nuova skin "Social" per chi non ama le skin scure.
Ricordiamo che per cambiare skin bisogna cliccare sul nome della skin che si trova in basso a sinistra della home page.
I don't know why but I have a problem with this new version
it's 1024 x 768 the problem is that I didn't have had that problem before the upgrade
Probably something has been changed with the new version of XenForo.
If you can, try to use an higer resolution for your monitor.
It's because French language need update to works with last Xenforo upgrade

try with English or Italian language board, there not problem
I've been made some tests with French language now and all it's OK with my notebook (1366x768) and the main page is displayed as usual.
It's because French language need update to works with last Xenforo upgrade

try with English or Italian language board, there not problem

U'r correct VTI,,,with french lang it does that.."no matter what resolution U have "
Other lang OK, just tested all on my PC, I have 1280x800!

May be with,,1366x768 is OK...I do not have this Res.
