Bouquet for Polish channels on Hotbird

It's my channel list settings, enjoy.


How do I install it?

I have never installed a bouquet and don't know how.

With the satellites.xml can I delete the section that starts <sat name=Astra and ends </sat>

as I am only interested in Hotbird.
You need a program on the PC for editing
such as dreamboxedit and/of dreamset.

Search at the forums and the net.
@likra is author of known settings for Enigma2 receivers .

I have installed dreamboxEDIT and tried to edit satellites.xml, but can't find out how.

A message box says that there is no 'services' file.

Where should I find one? And what is it called?
Look at the forums and the net how to use dreamboxedit.

You can make for instance scan
download scan list with dremboxedit from your box
and you make your own bouquets with dreamboxedit

option 2

You find a ready-made list
edit with dreamboxedit for your needs.
I'm sure dreamboxedit is a marvellous tool, but I can't seem to get started with it. I found various tutorials on Youtube but I don't understand German.... I tried a step by step guide but it was for an old version and the steps did not correspond to what I had in front of me...

The main trouble is I don't know where to start.... I can't find a services or a bouquet file.

Should I import something from the dreambox and take it from there?
Hi. My girlfriend wants all Polish channels, I find them but there are so many, no one has an updated list sorted and ready? thanks for the help // Kristian