bouquet issue


Vu+ Newbie

Hope someone could help me.

I've been using VIX image with my gigableu quad recover, with this image I was able to open a bouquet, choose the channel and press ok to be able to view the channel without closing the bouquet (the bouquet stays opened).

I am using now VU+ Duo 2 with BH as image (which I really love) but not able to do the same with it as described above ! ( as soon as I've pressed ok then the channel is displayed and the bouquet is closed)

Is there anyway to change the setting to be able to view the channels in bouquets (by pressing ok) without to close the bouquet.

Many thanks in advance.

You have selected the Bouquet so now you can view all the channels, in that Bouquet, by simply pressing the up/down keys, on the center of your remote, if you press the left/right keys you can move to the previous/next channel in the list.
You can also use the arrow keys, at the bottom of the remote, to switch between previously viewed channels, irrespective of which bouquet they are in, or where they are in the list.
I hope this makes se3nse.
Try playing with the remote control options until you get used to them.
Also use the + and - buttons, on the right of the central controls, when the channels are displayed, this will move you between bouquets.
The left +/- buttons are for the volume control.