can I force the receiver to use a particular tuner when recordering a channel


Vu+ Newbie
can I force the VU+ Duo 2 or VU+ Duo to use a particular tuner when viewing or recordering a channel
for ex I want my receiver to use tuner B to recorder instead tuner A
thank you my friend for reply but I can not find Preferred tuner at BlackHole image, it is at VTI image
So why would you ask the question in Black Hole General section ?
I am not a mind reader, maybe you are on the wrong board :p
So why would you ask the question in Black Hole General section ?
I am not a mind reader, maybe you are on the wrong board :p
I am using Black Hole most time because it is my default image, I have vti and many diff images on my MeoBoot, all images have many feature we do not know them , there is no mistake to ask for help from friends.
by the way I found way to solve that pb by changing the tuner confutation from simple to advanced