Can not use Blackhole full backup


Vu+ Newbie
I upgrade mu Solo2 from BH to BH 3.0.9 L and when i was finish i make a full backup, then i try a other image.
When i try to use the full back to get BH 3.0.9 L back by use a usb, i get my solo2 to read from usb but when it reboot it stuck in starting and nothing happend any more.

What is wrong here?
Is not happend in BH2.1.7.01
It did not happen with the same USB stick?
About FullBackups, particularly with BH that I recommend the plugin AutomaticFullBackup (you can find it over the Internet but beware of the version: not every websites have the last one) which allows you:
1) to easily choose whatever device (not only USB but also HDD).
2) To save as many backups as you like and they are recognizable by the file name that contains the date. Their name can be customized by the Configuration MENU of the plugin itself.
and, above all, allows to
3) Reflash directly by the plugin, without the need to create any USB stick with the backup. So that if the USB stick is not well prepared or compatible with your VU+, you won't care.
I make the full backup on my HDD first and use dcc to transfer it on my pc and then over to the USB.

It did not happen with the same USB stick?
What do you meen by that?

Found Version 6.8 of Automatic Fullbackup
I mean exactly what I wrote: if the USB stick you used now and that did not succeeded to flash your VU+ it's the same you used in the past and that worked. There are many cases of images (or FullBackups) not working because of specific USB sticks or because of the way the are partitioned and formatted.