Cannot Delete channel on Duo2.


Vu+ User
I am lost for words as I have two identical C Band channels (mistakenly added twice) that I cannot delete from my duo2 using BH image 2.1.0. I trying to delete them using Dreambox Edit ver
I can delete them in Dreambox Edit and save the changes but when I send it back to the Duo2 and even re-boot it these two identical channels are still there. I going to upgrade to the latest BH image and save my setting first but I want to get rid of this problem before upgrading.
Whats going on? Am I doing something wrong, have I got a setting in dreambox edit incorrectly set.
Try the manual service search on that particular frequency with the option "delete before search".
Tried that thanks and still nothing is deleted. I cannot believe it that such a High Tech box like the Duo2 running BH 2.1.0 you don't have a Local function of deleting a simple channel. All other Linux boxes I have like the AZBox premium Plus and Openbox's, Ultra Plus 900 allow a simple request like deleting a channel.
Tried again but this time I selected "Network Scan" and "delete before search" and it removed both the channels together. Maybe in the future it might be something for the producers of the great BH images which they are to have an option to delete a simple channel.
By using the method which I used to delete the channel I would have been stuffed if the transponder was still on/working and I didn't want the channel.

I also checked the deletion via Dreambox Edit and yes they are gone.
So it looks like you have to select Network scan with delete before search to get rid of an unwanted or mainly a duplicated channel.
May I ask when should you use Network Scan during a Scan of any transponder or Satellite. (have forgotten)
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Channels in the main list ("all channels") can't be directly deleted using the BH interface (nor OpenVix, nor OpenPLi, etc.), but indeed every people I know actually use one or more favorites bouquets in which channels can be freely added or removed, so there is no need to worry about the all channel list (as far as all the desired channels are included there, even if more than once).
I was trying to delete these two identical channels (feeds from Asiasat5) from the Satellite not ALL Channels. I have 12 Sat dishes looking everywhere being driven via DISEqC 1.1 and 1.2 so by this you can see that if I select "ALL" WOW what a list of channels I will have in Alphabetical order to look at. See I had a conflict on this feed as I scanned it as QPSK first and it loaded but I should have loaded it as 8PSK so I rescanned it and ended up with two identical channels scanned with different modulation and after that the channel showed me no pics.

Yes I have Favorites too but it still is a little bit of a pain that you cannot delete locally any channel working or not in "ALL" or "Satellite" not unless the transponder is turned off like it was in my case.
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